
NEOBIOTA Executive committee

  • President: Franz Essl, elected in 2024. He has been Vice President from 2014 to 2024.
  • Vice President: Belinda Gallardo, elected in 2024.
  • Secretary: Ana Novoa, elected in 2022.
  • Honorary President: Ingo Kowarik, coordinated NEOBIOTA from 1999 to 2014. He was elected President in 2012, and Honorary President in 2014.

Previous members:

  • Montserrat Vilà, president between 2014 and 2024. She has been Vice President from 2012 to 2014.
  • Uwe Starfinger, secretary from 1999 to 2022.


The NEOBIOTA Board includes 10 experts from Europe. The main tasks are:

  • Represent NEOBIOTA and enhance communication and research at the European level
  • Decide on the future development of NEOBIOTA and on the venue of the NEOBIOTA conferences
  • Elect the President, Vice President and Secretary of NEOBIOTA

Members of the NEOBIOTA Board

  1. Tim Adriens
  2. Margarita Arianoutsou-Faraggitaki
  3. Sven Bacher
  4. Giuseppe Brundu
  5. Belinda Gallardo
  6. Franz Essl
  7. Tina Heger
  8. Ingo Kowarik – Honorary President
  9. Jan Pergl
  10. Petr Pyšek
  11. Barbara Tokarska-Guzik
  12. Giovanni Vimercati


The NEOBIOTA Council is expected to include two experts from each European country. The main tasks are:

  • Represent NEOBIOTA and enhance further work in the field of biological invasions at the national level;
  • Represent the national scientific communities and enhance communication and research at the European level

Members of the NEOBIOTA Council
(Elected at the 12th NEOBIOTA Conference in Tartu in 2022)

Country First name Last name Member since
Austria Franz Essl 3
Austria Bernd Lenzner 4
Belgium Bram D’Hondt 4
Belgium Tim Adriens 4
Croatia Sandra Hudina 3
Croatia Sven Jelaska 3
Czech Republic Petr Pyšek 3
Czech Republic Jan Pergl 3
Estonia Eike Tammekänd 4
Estonia Jonne Kotta 4
Finland Terhi Ryttäri 4
Finland Leena Lindström 4
France Guillaume Fried 4
France Céline Bellard 4
Germany Tina Heger 4
Germany Hanno Seebens 4
Greece Paraskevi Karachle 4
Greece Margarita Arianoutsou-Faraggitaki 4
Hungary Zoltán Botta-Dukát 1
Hungary Anikó Csecserits 4
Iceland Sindri Gíslason 4
Iceland Joana Micael 4
Ireland Bruce Osborne 3
Ireland Frances Lucy 4
Italy Giuseppe Brundu 3
Italy Piero Genovesi 3
Latvia Agnese Priede 2
Latvia Santa Rutkovska 2
Lithuania Zigmantas Gudžinskas 2
Lithuania Vytautas Rakauskas 4
Luxembourg Guy Colling 4
Luxembourg Alain Frantz 4
Malta David Mifsud 4
Malta Sandro Lanfranco 4
Norway Hanno Sandvik 4
Norway May Bente Brurberg 4
Poland Wojciech Solarz 1
Poland Barbara Tokarska-Guzik 1
Romania Laurentiu Rozylowicz 4
Romania Paulina Anastasiu 3
Slovenia Branka Tavzes 4
Slovenia Sonja Rozman 4
Spain Belinda Gallardo 4
Spain Luís González 4
Sweden Johan Linnander 4
Sweden Lina Tomasson 4
Switzerland Sven Bacher 3
Switzerland Giovanni Vimercati 4
Turkey Ahmet Uludag 2
Turkey Necmi Aksoy 4
UK Wayne Dawson 4
UK Zarah Pattison 4

1 = Since 2008, elected at the NEOBIOTA conference in Prague
2 = Since 2010, elected at the NEOBIOTA conference in Copenhagen
3 = Since 2018, elected at the NEOBIOTA conference in Dun Laughaire
4 = Since 2022, elected at the NEOBIOTA conference in Tartu